Our toddler program is home to up to 15 children, with a 1:5 educator to child ratio. In the toddler room, we focus on encouraging social/emotional, cognitive, language and physical development. Toddlers are constantly on the move and making new discoveries. We provide a wide variety of materials and activities to support their rapidly developing minds.
7:15am Arrival
8:30am Morning snack
9:00am Outdoor play
10:00am Free play/planned activities
11:00am Lunch
11:45am Rest time
1:45pm Wake up, stories
2:00pm Snack
2:30pm Outdoor play
3:30pm Free play
5:00pm Programs merge
6:00pm Centre closes
Our preschool program is home to up to 24 preschoolers with an educator to child ratio of 1:8. Just like our toddlers, our preschoolers are always on the go and making new discoveries, but with more complexity. Our educators answer a lot of "why" questions and let the children take the lead in their learning experiences. Social/emotional, cognitive, language and physical development continues to be a priority.
7:15am Arrival
8:30am Morning snack
9:00am Free play/planned activities
10:00am Outdoor play
11:00am Lunch
11:45am Rest time
1:45am Wake up, stories
2:00pm Snack
2:30pm Free play/planned activities
3:30pm Outdoor play
5:00pm Programs merge
6:00pm Centre closes